Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Peter and the missus #7

Run fast! Run far!

Peter loved movies – any movie for that matter would keep him interested. Over the years of married life, the missus had gotten the hang of it. But both of them had had a bad outing that day. The movie was one of the worst they had seen, the burger they had was bad and they were having a tough time getting the bus back home. They were truly annoyed.

About two blocks from home, it got worse. Out of nowhere a guy in a hood sprang on to the street and pulled a knife out. There were being mugged.

Everyone had a dark side. Heroes did, super heroes did and though he was neither, Peter did too. He had always had the urge to fight crime. This was a chance to use his good old skills in martial arts. If he got his moves right, he could get out of trouble and as a perk he would be able to instill some fear in the mind of the missus.

Just when he was going to get into the act, without a hint, the missus roared at the mugger like a hungry lioness, ‘Get out of my way, you fool! The mood I am in, I swear, I will punch your nose, break your hand and make your head turn the other way!!’

Peter was startled a little – he had had many previous encounters with the alter-ego. But the poor mugger was frightened to death. He shot a bewildered look at Peter who nodded, ‘You bet! She will do what she said! Run fast! Run far!’.

The mugger ran for his life – literally sprinted as if he had seen the devil. Peter almost laughed. It was so funny when it happened to others.

‘Lucky guy’, Peter said. ‘He at least had a chance to run away!’

‘What do you mean by that?!’ the missus roared again.

‘Damn!’ Peter gasped. It was happening to him again.

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